Therapy Jobs

Having a psychiatric or chemical dependency issue can impact many aspects of our patients' lives. Oftentimes, patients not only need help recognizing, treating and recovering from these conditions, but they also need help understanding how these conditions affect everyday life.
The therapists at St. Luke's Behavioral Health Center help patients regain a sense of accomplishment and independence by teaching them how to deal with day-to-day life situations and returning to a more normal lifestyle. We're currently looking for talented and experienced employees to fill occupational therapy jobs and recreational therapy jobs.
Occupational therapists help patients relearn the physical and cognitive skills they need to perform the tasks of daily life. By using different techniques, these therapists help patients improve their ability to live and work in a normal setting. They may teach patients how to dress properly, how to use a computer, or how to make better overall decisions, among other things.
Recreational therapists use a combination of treatments and recreational activities to help those suffering from behavioral health issues. By using a number of therapeutic services and techniques - including everything from stress reduction techniques and community interaction to games and music classes - they help patients advance their skills and abilities in order to become more independent and interact better with society.